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Some Important Journals List

  • Nature

  • Nature Chemistry

  • Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 

  • Organic Chemistry: an Indian Journal

  • Organic Letters

  • Organic Process Research and Development

  • Organometallics

  • RSC Advances

  • SynLett

  • Accounts of Chemical Research

  • Angewandte Chemie International Edition

  • Asian Journal of Chemistry

  • Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry

  • Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry

  • Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters

  • Bioorganic Chemistry

  • Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

  • Chemical Communications

  • Chemical Reviews

  • Chemical Science

  • Chemical Society Reviews

  • Chemistry - A European Journal

  • European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

  • European Journal of Organic Chemistry

  • Green chemistry

  • Heterocycles

  • Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

  • Journal of Natural Products

  • Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

  • Journal of Organic Chemistry

  • Synthesis

  • Synthetic Communications

  • Tetrahedron

  • Tetrahedron Asymmetry

  • Tetrahedron Letters

  • Journal of the American Chemical Society

  • MedChemComm

  • Methods in Organic Synthesis

  • Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry

  • Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry

                                                                                                      -sain singh

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